Monday, May 16, 2016

Research the definition

Read the text and find the definition for: 

A) Myths 
B) Legends 
C) Fables 
D) Fairy Tales

Read the fables below. Choose one to summarize and explain if you understood the moral.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Read the book Nasreen's Secret School and answer the questions below. Use your reading journal.

Answer the questions below. Use your Reading journal. 1. What can you tell me about the main character? Write at least 5 complete sentences with punctuation. 2. What is something you learned about when you read this book? Cite information from the text to prove your answer. 3. If you were the main character, what is something you would have done differently or the same? Why? 4. Make a list of words you need to research. Hope you have enjoyed this book!! Ms. Silvia