Friday, May 8, 2020

What can I do for fun after I am done with my work?

Dear 3rd graders,

The links below are some suggestions for you to do after you finish your work. I hope you enjoy some of them.

1. Scientist Notebook - Have your own scientist notebook to take notes of your observations. See some examples HERE.Bitmoji Image

2. Open Inquiry - Think about a topic to research. Make a list of questions and look for the answers in books or websites. Share your inquiry with someone at home or publish it and share with your teacher/classmates. reading

3. Nature walk/gardening - When you go for a walk collect small things to observe at home. Be an inquirer. Bitmoji Image

4. Improve your Portuguese - Watch videos in Portuguese to improve your skills. Google this: 
"vídeos infantis no youtube" 
"vídeos de ciências para criança no youtube"
"histórias para crianças no youtube"
"matemática para 3º ano no youtube"
"músicas para crianças no youtube"

Call a friend and speak only in Portuguese.

 5. Create something - Gather materials you have at home and invent something. Be creative.

6. Specials - Dance, do art work, sing, color, draw, create a play, a puppet show, etc. Have fun!!Bitmoji Image

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